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Justin Bieber does not have cancer teens and tweens shave their head to support their teen idol Justin Bieber who they believed to have cancer troll 4chan Justin Bieber cancer
Bald for Bieber was an example of successful trolling. Justin is also known for his musical talents especially in hardcore metal. The lesbian from Canada does not have cancer. He is an embarrassment to Canada, besides all the other embarrassments that stem from Canada such as the phrase "eh?" and a false sense of importance.
Bieber, or Beaver, as was discovered on a chat roulette site, and after the zions in the music industry failed to recognize his lack of singing talent, allowed him to autotune ALL his songs, so long as Justin Beaver protects their gold. Not the personal bag of jew gold worn around their necks, but rather the gold which they sold their souls for. "And not too bad prices either? Whadda ya mean a good price? You see what they got? [Bieber]. Talkin about good price, shymy gracis," -Justin's Caretaker